Lea Heed (Diary of a Wimpy Kid): Manny
Swedish voices in Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2021)
Lea Heed (The Witcher): Cirilla
Swedish voices in The Witcher (2019)
Lea Heed (Descendants 3 (2019) Descendants Collection): Dizzy Tremaine
Swedish voices in Descendants 3 (2019) Descendants Collection (2019)
Lea Heed (A Witches' Ball): Beatrix
Swedish voices in A Witches' Ball (2017)
Lea Heed (Descendants 2 (2017) Descendants Collection): Dizzy
Swedish voices in Descendants 2 (2017) Descendants Collection (2017)
Lea Heed (Adventures in Babysitting): AJ Anderson
Swedish voices in Adventures in Babysitting (2016)