Christel Merian (The Grinch): Clarnella
German voices in The Grinch (2000)
Christel Merian (Dead Poets Society): Mrs. Danburry
German voices in Dead Poets Society (1989)
Christel Merian (The Little Mermaid): Zimmermädchen
German voices in The Little Mermaid (1989)
Christel Merian (Scrooged): Frau im Taxi
German voices in Scrooged (1988)
Christel Merian (Back to the Future I): Turmuhr-Geldsammlerin
German voices in Back to the Future I (1985)
Christel Merian (Hallmark Hall of Fame: Little Lord Fontleroy): Dawson
German voices in Hallmark Hall of Fame: Little Lord Fontleroy (1980)